This issue is basically our answer to that: a list of suggestions for things people who want to start contributing to Pokémon Showdown can work on.įirst, the Development room is the right place to discuss working on new features: Really the only consideration to be made is whether you want Metagross to use Rock Slide to smash legendary birds or Hidden Power Bug to counter an annoying Celebi.We're often asked, "Hi, I want to help develop for PS, where do I start?" You want Metagross to live as long as possible to dish out damage, but don’t be afraid to sacrifice it when a golden opportunity arises for you to use Explosion. Meteor Mash is an excellent STAB attack, especially when coupled with Choice Band and can do some serious damage, Earthquake can tear apart opposing Metagross, and Explosion can be used to rip apart MVPs on your opponent’s team. There are really only a few moves you should consider using with Metagross. RELATED: Pokemon: The 10 Hardest Fights Of Gen III, Ranked By How Tough They Were Metagross is all about maximizing damage and should be outfitted with a Choice Band to increase that damage to ridiculous levels with powerful attacks. Metagross is a powerhouse wildcard that can obliterate your opponent’s best fighters or severely injure key players when used correctly.

If you're looking for a doubles partner, Milotic is a great catch. Getting hit by one Intimidate gives Milotic enough of a boost to actually be a serious offensive threat.
This gives it a free boost to special attack upon getting a stat lowered. Intimidate is a common ability in double battles purely because of the value it has, and Milotic packs the ability Competitive. The more interesting set for Milotic is in double battles, where it gets a chance to really shine. RELATED: Pokemon: The 8 Best Gen III Water-types (& 7 That Aren't So Great) It can put out solid damage and keep itself healthy with Recover. The most common set for singles uses Marvel Scale and a traditional defensive statline and moveset. The unique part of Milotic comes in the set of moves it can bring, along with its two great abilities. It has a very solid statline that leaves it without too many obvious weaknesses, although its offensive presence is lacking. Milotic, on its surface, is just another bulky water-type. If the main six Pokemon here don't entice you, we've added four alternative options that serve as substitutes (or outright replacements) for the perfect Gen III team. However, there are plenty of other effective options from Gen III to include in any team composition, even a Gen III exclusive team. Pelipper is a big example of this glow-up, becoming a mandatory member of any self-respecting Rain team. Even some of the underappreciated Pokemon have their edge cases and can shine in the right environment.

Updated December 27th, 2020 by Tanner Kinney: Hoenn Pokemon, aside having some of the most iconic designs in the series, are also capable fighters. It should also be noted that this team won’t include any legendary Pokemon as some competitions bar their use and most players will already have effective counters for them.
To no one’s surprise Leftovers are a good default held item though some exceptions like Choice Band will be explored. If you want to build a fun offensive team to breeze through any gym battle in the story or if you’re looking to kick butt in the competitive arena, than this team should do the trick. RELATED: Pokemon: Everything Wrong With Gen III (That Fans Always Overlook) Also notable for this generation is that a starter Pokemon ended up becoming a staple for competitive matches. Generation III of Pokemon introduced a lot of fun and powerful fighters that made PVE runs a breeze and changed the metas of PVP.